Friday, September 14, 2018

Command Line Argument

Command Line Argument:

It is possible to pass some values from the command line to your C# programs when they are executed. The arguments can be used as input for the program. A parameter supplied to the program through the command line is when it invoked is called Command Line Argument. We can pass any number of arguments from the command prompt. The Main() method is entry point method for a program. Command line arguments are passed to the Main() method.
In C# Main() method can be declared with the String[] args parameter. The args parameter accepts command-line arguments which can be used to provide the program some values at the moment of execution. The args argument is array of type String. The program accept arguments in the order of args[0], args[1] and so on. The arguments are separated by white space, i.e. either space or tab.

For Example:
using System;
class Sample
            static void Main(string[] args)
                        int SUM         = 0;
                        int X   = 0;
                        int Y   = 0;

                        X = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);        // Command Line Argument 1
                        Y = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);        // Command Line Argument 2

                        SUM = X + Y;
                        Console.WriteLine("Sum is: "+SUM);                 

To Compile:
csc sample.cs

To Execute: 

                    Here, we are passing 10 and 20 as command line arguments which can be accessed through args. Where 10 will be assigned into args[0] and 20 will be assigned into args[1].

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