Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Difference between DLL & EXE

Difference between DLL & EXE:

EXE File:
The term EXE is a shortened version of the word executable as it identifies the file as a program. An EXE file contains the entry point or the part in the code where the operating system is supposed to begin the execution of the application. The exe files are in-process components which were capable of running on their own. Also they can provide the support for others to execute. An exe file is generated after the compilations of C# projects. It stores Metadata & MSIL code.

DLL Files:

DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library, which commonly contains functions and procedures that can be used by other programs. The dll files are out-process components which were not capable of running on their own. DLL files do not have entry point and thus cannot be executed on their own. They can only execute with the help of other applications. The most major advantage of DLL files is in its reusability. A DLL file can be used in other applications.


Dynamic-Link Library (DLL):

1.     Its full meaning is Dynamic Link Library
2.     It cannot execute without the help of EXE file. That means dll files are not independent
3.     It has not main function.
4.     A dll is a library that an exe (or another dll) may call
5.     In one application many dll files may exists
6.     A dll can be shared with others applications. That means dll is reusable
7.     dll is an In-Process Component
8.     A dll can never run in its own memory address space

Executable File (EXE):

1.     It’s full meaning Executable File.
2.     It can execute with the help of OS. That means exe files are independent
3.     It has main function
4.     An exe is a program
5.     In one application only one exe files exists
6.     An exe cannot be shared with others applications. That means exe is not reusable
7.     EXE is an Out-Process Component
8.     An exe always runs in its own memory address space

Prof. Shardul P. Patil