Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Passing parameters to a method

Passing parameters to a method:

There are three ways that parameters can be passed to a method:
  • Pass by Value
  • Pass by Reference
  • Out Parameter

Pass by Value:

In .NET Framework, all parameters are by default passed by value. When a variable is passed as the parameter to any method, it is passed as a value. This method copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function. If inside the method these values are changed or modified, the change is not reflected in the actual passed variable. Changes made inside the function have no effect on the actual parameter.

Passing variable by value is useful in cases where the actual value of the variable should not be modified by the method and the change is only limited to the called method whereas the value of the variables in the calling method remain unchanged.

For Example:

class PassingValByVal
    static void SquareIt(int x)
    // The parameter x is passed by value.
    // Changes to x will not affect the original value of x.
        x *= x;
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value inside the method: {0}", x);
    static void Main()
        int n = 5;
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value before calling the method: {0}", n);

        SquareIt(n);  // Passing the variable by value.
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value after calling the method: {0}", n);


    The value before calling the method: 5
    The value inside the method: 25
    The value after calling the method: 5

Pass by Reference:

            C# provides a ref keyword to pass argument as reference-type. It passes reference of arguments to the function rather than copy of original value. When you pass parameters by reference, unlike value parameters, a new storage location is not created for these parameters. The method operates on the references of the variables passed in the parameters rather than operating on their values. The changes in passed values are permanent and modify the original variable value.

            Normally, all the objects are passed by reference as parameter to the method. On the 
other hand most of the primitive data types such as integer, double, Boolean etc. are passed by value.

For Example:

class PassingValByRef
    static void SquareIt(ref int x)
    // The parameter x is passed by reference.
    // Changes to x will affect the original value of x.
        x *= x;
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value inside the method: {0}", x);
    static void Main()
        int n = 5;
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value before calling the method: {0}", n);
        SquareIt(ref n);  // Passing the variable by reference.
        System.Console.WriteLine("The value after calling the method: {0}", n);

    The value before calling the method: 5
    The value inside the method: 25
    The value after calling the method: 25                                    

           In this example, it is not the value of n that is passed; rather, a reference to n is passed. The parameter x is not an int; it is a reference to an int, in this case, a reference to n. Therefore, when x is squared inside the method, what actually is squared is what x refers to, n.

Out Parameter:

          A return statement can be used for returning only one value from a function. However, using output parameters, you can return multiple values from a function. Output parameters are similar to reference parameters, except that ref requires that the variable be initialized before it is passed. Variables passed as out arguments do not have to be initialized before being passed in a method call. However, the called method is required to assign a value before the method returns.

For Example:

using System; 
namespace OutParameter 
    class Program 
        // User defined function 
        public void Show(out int a, out int b) // Out parameter 
            int square = 5; 
            a = square; 
            b = square; 
            // Manipulating value 
            a *= a;  
            b *= b; 
        // Main function, execution entry point of the program 
        static void Main(string[] args) 
            int val1 = 50, val2 = 100; 
            Program program = new Program(); // Creating Object 
            Console.WriteLine("Value before passing \n val1 = " + val1+" \n val2 = "+val2); 
            program.Show(out val1, out val2); // Passing out argument 
            Console.WriteLine("Value after passing \n val1 = " + val1 + " \n val2 = " + val2); 


Value before passing
 val1 = 50
 val2 = 100
Value after passing
 val1 = 25
 val2 = 25

Difference between ref & out parameter:

Prof. Shardul P. Patil

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